Old School Player’s Ball 2019 Coverage and Results

The third annual Old School Player’s Ball is in the books, and it was an incredible celebration of friendship and community. After selling out our capped amount of 100 event tickets in under 4 hours a few months ago, dedicated players from dozens of different states flooded Chicago with the latest Old School 94 technology and chicanery.

This year’s Player’s Ball was once again held at Revolution Brewery, and was once again organized by Bob Agra, Jaco, and Chicago’s native crew, the Lords of the Pit. Eternal Central helped promote and support these efforts, and between the event tickets, the charity raffle, and the exclusive Player’s Ball “Chicago in a Bottle” playmat sales, the event was able to raise around $5000 for charity (going to PAWS Chicago, in this case), exceeding all of our expectations.

Building on previous years, the Player’s Ball has become a marquee event on the gaming calendar, and the plan is to continue this tradition going forward as a summer event. This event was run as Swiss+1, with eight 50 minute rounds, using Eternal Central’s recommended Old School 93-94 rules, with no draws allowed (and Sudden Death Chaos Orb flipping if any matches went to time). As we continue to emphasize, the point of Old School is to play Old School, meet new friends, and catch up with old ones.

In the 103 decks shown below, you will find plenty of Aggro, Aggro Control, Combo, some Prison, a few copies of The Deck, and zero UR Control. Amazing. It appears no one wanted to do something that effective but boring, round after round. The brewers were out in full force, and there were tons of fun candidates for the Most Creative prizes (which you can sort in the table below, so scroll down and check them out in the deck photos below!). The top placing Most Creative deck this year belongs to Dane Malone, who designed a Dante’s Inferno-themed deck, in which Rasputin will attempt to help guide you through the nine circles of hell. What an absolute legend.

Final Standings After Swiss+1

After 8 rounds of Swiss+1, there were no undefeated players. There were 5 players at 7-1, and then 9 players at 6-2. It went down to the wire, and once again like last year, we were left with West as the champion, piloting Storytime (UWR Shahrazad). A back to back champion is crowned! Here are the final standings.

Winner of the Swiss West, with Winner of Most Creative Dane Malone

Metagame Breakdown

Here is a sortable table that shows all players and associated decks played (you can sort by name, deck type, or prize awarded).

First NameLast NameDeckAwarded
AndyBaqueroSphinx's Library (GW Sphinx Control)Most Creative 07 Place
TimBaranDakkon Blackblade Control
HarrisonBaxter4C Aggro Control03 Place Swiss
ChrisBergesonGoblins RUG
IanBlankArboria Dreams Turbo Fog ComboMost Creative 08 Place
MatthewBraunWhite Weenie
DanielBraunerGoblins Mono Red
DustinBrossardWhite Weenie
MarkBrothersRed Green Ballz of Fire
BrandonBurgoaWhite Weenie14 Place Swiss
JoshBurgoaRUG Berserk
MikeButzenGreen Blue Aggro
GrantCastletonNaya Zoo
CurtChristianSindbad's Adventures (Blue Green Sindbad Combo)Most Creative 04 Place
JamesCooneyDwarves and Derelors (D&D)07 Place Swiss
GrahamDicksonMono Black
DominicDotterrerStasis Vise
DannyDunawayMono Black
JamesEasteppeHigh Tide Candelabra ComboMost Creative Special Mention
LorienEllemanPink Weenie
KevinElliottWendy and Derelor's Party (4 Color Red)
DanErschBlack Red White Troll's Assassin
PaulFieroLiving Plane Control (aka Walk the Plank)12 Place Swiss
AlanFinney4C Troll Hate
EnriqueFloresTroll Disco URB
JosephFreshwaterValley of Nightmares (Mono Black Living Wall Diamond Valley Control)Most Creative 05 Place
DannyFriedmanThe Deck
JoseGonzalezBlack Red Green Land Destruction
JoyGonzalezGauntlets of Chaos + Sorrows Path + Candelabra ComboMost Creative 02 Place
CayceGrissomErhnamGeddon GWU05 Place Swiss
JasonGunderIvory Sanctuary Control
TomHagenBlack Red Blue Aggro
DavidHoller4C Aggro
ChristopherHukillMono Black
ChristineIsbell-PeineMono Black
JasonJacoNaya Bazaar Zoo
KrishnaJamesGauntlet Flare Big Red
RajahJamesEureka Mirror LichMost Creative 10 Place
RyanJeanBall Lightning Abyss AtogMost Creative 09 Place
AaronJesseeUWB Assassin's Control
DanielKelly4C Aggro
JackKitchenIncepticauns (Shahrazad Leprechauns)Most Creative 03 Place
JohnKnerrBUG Aggro
GregKotscharjanBlood Preacher WR Control
GregKraigherAli from the Multiverse (Mono Red)
JayKrusacMono Blue Artifact Aggro
DavidLanceDJ KhabalMost Creative 06 Place
AndreaLonghiRG Aggro
PeteLupo5C Storm Seeker Burn
AndyMacDougallUW Skies Aggro Control
WillMagrannThe Deck
StephenMaldonado5C Fatties
DaneMaloneDane's Inferno (Ascending the 9 Circles of Hell)Most Creative 01 Place
RobertMatthewsPink Weenie
RayMattsonTroll Disco RB
MithMayaUWR Zoo
JimmyMcCarthyNaya Bazaar Zoo
SteveMcGrewPower Monolith 5C
AndrewMcLennanUG Berserk Skies04 Place Swiss
MichaelMcMurtreyMono Green
AdamMerkadoBGW Aggro
MattMoss4C Arabian Aggro
GeorgeMurphyAltar of the Kobolds RG
JasonPaulGoblins RWU
JohnPeineWhite Weenie
ChrisPepinJuxtapose Primordial Ooze Combo11 Place Swiss
CarterPetraySlot Machine (Power Artifact MirrorBall Combo)
TaylorQuailErhnamGeddon GW
NickRohrPink Burn
AndyRomanAtog UR
SethRoncoroni4C Zoo
MichaelRussoBeauty and the Beast (Guardian Beast Workshops UWB)
BillSHurkyl's Recall Combo
MattSThe Deck06 Place Swiss
BrandonSandersBlack White Rack Skies
MichaelScheffenacker4C Zoo02 Place Swiss
JustinSchrankUW Sleight of Hand Aggro
JasonSchwartzAll-In Reanimator
ShaneSemmensJupiter and Beyond the Infinite (Power Artifact Alabaster's Potion)
SteviShivelyRUG Zoo
JeramySnyderRG Berserk Aggro
JosephStackoDreams Combo 5C
ChristopherTaylorAtog Mono Red08 Place Swiss
SonnyTennilleMono Red
BrendanThe LionTitania's Prison UWG
MattThompson4C Aggro Control10 Place Swiss
JonTschida4C Aggro Control13 Place Swiss
PezUnholyWorkshop Aggro UWB09 Place Swiss
BrianUrbanoWorkshop Aggro UWB
DavidVelascoGB Derelor Aggro
NickViauAtog Mono Red
RobertVincentRed Will Provide (aka 350 card Mono Red Singleton)Most Creative Special Mention
IvanVolskoWhite Singleton Randomness
DerekWalkerMono Green
MichaelWalkerMono Blue Aggro Control
ChrisWardBlack Green White Nether Void Land Destruction
AaronWestStorytime (Shahrazad UWR)01 Place Swiss
RobertWestergaardBlack Blue Aggro
ChrisWynesBUG Aggro

ALL Decks, Alphabetically, by Last Name

Bob Agra – Eureka

Andy Baquero – Sphinx’s Library (GW Sphinx Control) Most Creative 07 Place

Tim Baran – Dakkon Blackblade Control

Harrison Baxter – 4C Aggro Control 03 Place Swiss

Chris Bergeson – Goblins RUG

Ian Blank – Arboria Dreams Turbo Fog Combo Most Creative 08 Place

Matthew Braun – White Weenie

Daniel Brauner – Goblins Mono Red

Dustin Brossard – White Weenie

Mark Brothers – Red Green Ballz of Fire

Brandon Burgoa – White Weenie 14 Place Swiss

Josh Burgoa – RUG Berserk

Mike Butzen – Green Blue Aggro

Grant Castleton – Naya Zoo

Curt Christian – Sindbad’s Adventures (Blue Green Sindbad Combo) Most Creative 04 Place

James Cooney – Dwarves and Derelors (D&D) 07 Place Swiss

Graham Dickson – Mono Black

Dominic Dotterrer – Stasis Vise

Danny Dunaway – Mono Black

James Easteppe – High Tide Candelabra Combo Most Creative Special Mention

Lorien Elleman – Pink Weenie

Kevin Elliott – Wendy and Derelor’s Party (4 Color Red)

Dan Ersch – Black Red White Troll’s Assassin

Paul Fiero – Living Plane Control (aka Walk the Plank) 12 Place Swiss

Alan Finney – 4C Troll Hate

Enrique Flores – Troll Disco URB

Joseph Freshwater – Valley of Nightmares (Mono Black Living Wall Diamond Valley Control) Most Creative 05 Place

Danny Friedman – The Deck

Jose Gonzalez – Black Red Green Land Destruction

Joy Gonzalez – Gauntlets of Chaos + Sorrows Path + Candelabra Combo Most Creative 02 Place

Cayce Grissom – ErhnamGeddon GWU 05 Place Swiss

Jason Gunder – Ivory Sanctuary Control

Tom Hagen – Black Red Blue Aggro

David Holler – 4C Aggro

Christopher Hukill – Mono Black

Christine Isbell-Peine – Mono Black

Jaco – Naya Bazaar Zoo

Krishna James – Gauntlet Flare Big Red

Rajah James – Eureka Mirror Lich Most Creative 10 Place

Ryan Jean – Ball Lightning Abyss Atog Most Creative 09 Place

Aaron Jessee – UWB Assassin’s Control

Daniel Kelly – 4C Aggro

Jack Kitchen – Incepticauns (Shahrazad Leprechauns) Most Creative 03 Place

John Knerr – BUG Aggro

Greg Kotscharjan – Blood Preacher WR Control

Greg Kraigher – Ali from the Multiverse (Mono Red)

Jay Krusac – Mono Blue Artifact Aggro

David Lance – DJ Khabal Most Creative 06 Place

Andrea Longhi – RG Aggro

Ron Longhi – Eureka

Pete Lupo – 5C Storm Seeker Burn

Andy MacDougall – UW Skies Aggro Control

Will Magrann – The Deck

Stephen Maldonado – 5C Fatties

Dane Malone – Dane’s Inferno (Ascending the 9 Circles of Hell) Most Creative 01 Place

Robert Matthews – Pink Weenie

Ray Mattson – Troll Disco RB

Mith Maya – UWR Zoo

Jimmy McCarthy – Naya Bazaar Zoo

Steve McGrew – Power Monolith 5C

Andrew McLennan – UG Berserk Skies 04 Place Swiss

Michael McMurtrey – Mono Green

Adam Merkado – BGW Aggro

Matt Moss – 4C Arabian Aggro

George Murphy – Altar of the Kobolds RG

William Palmer – Eureka

Jason Paul – Goblins RWU

John Peine – White Weenie

Chris Pepin – Juxtapose Primordial Ooze Combo 11 Place Swiss, Most Creative Special Mention

Benjermin Perry – Eureka

Carter Petray – Slot Machine (Power Artifact MirrorBall Combo)

Taylor Quail – ErhnamGeddon GW

Nick Rohr – Big Pink

Andy Roman – Atog UR

Seth Roncoroni – 4C Zoo

Michael Russo – Beauty and the Beast (Guardian Beast Workshops UWB)

Bill S – Hurkyl’s Recall Combo

Matt S – The Deck 06 Place Swiss

Brandon Sanders – Black White Rack Skies

Michael Scheffenacker – 4C Zoo 02 Place Swiss

Justin Schrank – UW Sleight of Hand Aggro

Jason Schwartz – All-In Reanimator

Shane Semmens – Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite (Power Artifact Alabaster’s Potion)

Stevi Shively – RUG Zoo

Jeramy Snyder – RG Berserk Aggro

Joseph Stacko – Dreams Combo 5C

Christopher Taylor – Atog Mono Red 08 Place Swiss

Sonny Tennille – Mono Red

Brendan The Lion – Titania’s Prison UWG

Matt Thompson – 4C Aggro Control 10 Place Swiss

Jon Tschida – 4C Aggro Control 13 Place Swiss

Pez Unholy – Workshop Aggro UWB 09 Place Swiss

Brian Urbano – Workshop Aggro UWB

David Velasco – GB Derelor Aggro

Nick Viau – Atog Mono Red

Robert Vincent – Red Will Provide (aka 350 card Mono Red Singleton) Most Creative Special Mention

Ivan Volsko – White Singleton Randomness

Derek Walker – Mono Green

Michael Walker – Mono Blue Aggro Control

Chris Ward – Black Green White Nether Void Land Destruction

West – Storytime (Shahrazad UWR) 01 Place Swiss

Robert Westergaard – Black Blue Aggro

Chris Wynes – BUG Aggro

Tournament Action and Wrapup

The hashtag for social media for the event was #OldSchoolPlayersBall, which you can use to find more on Twitter, Instagram, etc. Thank you to everybody who came out to play, and we hope to see you again soon. As we move forward experimenting with more changes we hope to make each event more unique and fun.

Friday Night Contracts @ DMen Tap


The Calm Before the Storm

Signing Prizes

Christian (Sindbad’s Adventures) vs. Baquero (Sphinx’s Library)

Russo (Beauty and the Beast) vs. Stacko (Underworld Dreams Combo 5C)

Elliott (YdwenAndDerelor.dec) vs. McLennan (UG Berserk Skies)

Pepin (Primordial Juxtapose) vs. Tennille (Atog Mono Red)

Paul (Goblins RWU) vs. Kraigher (Ali from the Multiverse)

Baquero (Sphinx’s Library) vs. Easteppe (High Tide Candelabra Combo)

Kelly (4C Aggro) vs. Knerr (BUG Aggro)

Bergeson (Goblins RUG) vs. Hagen (Black Red Blue Aggro)

Braun (White Weenie) vs. Velasco (GB Derelor Aggro)

Walker (Mono Blue Aggro Control) vs. Maldonado (5C Fatties)

Pez (Workshop Aggro UWB) vs. Friedman (The Deck)

West (Storytime) vs. Cooney (Dwarves and Derelors)

Wynes (BUG Aggro) vs. Butzen (Green Blue Aggro)

Jaco (Naya Bazaar Zoo) vs. Dotterrer (Stasis Vise)

Magrann (The Deck) vs. Malone (Dane’s Inferno)

Bill S (Hurkyl’s Recall Combo) vs. Fiero (Living Plane Control)

Wynes (BUG Aggro) vs. Butzen (Blue Green Aggro)

Hukill (Mono Black) vs. Schwartz (All-In Reanimator)

Matt S (The Deck) vs. Friedman (The Deck)

Easteppe (High Tide Candelabra) vs. Krishna (Gauntlet Flare Big Red)

Freshwater (Valley of Nightmares) vs. Lance (DJ Khabal)

Scheffenacker (4C Zoo) vs. West (Storytime)

Semmens Powering Infinite Life

Matthews and Fiero

Lord Elleman and Lord Dotterrer in Action

Northern Paladins Representing

Knights Taplar Representing

Balling Too Hard

A frenzied fraction of the charity raffle, which included community donated altered cards, nearly a dozen custom t-shirts, and a CE Chaos Orb!

CE Chaos Orb donor Lord Agra with raffle winner Rajah, of the Cleveland Rocs Crew

Not only was his entire outfit and deck pirate-themed, but Paul Fiero hand made this plank, that served not only as his playmat, but also his deck box. Absolutely magnificent!

Some of the prize pool, early in the inking process (over 100 people would go on to sign each card)

Old School Community

Sunday @ The Map Room

Lords of the Pit Representing

Thank you again to all of the community for your support and charitable donations, and thank you again to the illest crew on the streets.