Madison Offensive 2019 Old School 93-94 Coverage

This past weekend 34 Magicians from 7 states traversed the icy conditions of midwest America’s frozen tundra to converge in Wisconsin for the 3rd annual Madison Offensive. After opening the event up to open registration last year and seeing nearly 60 players enter, the Lords of the Pit returned to a private event structure this year (mainly for size and space concerns at the venue). This year’s group of attendees was mostly Lords and close friends, with some new guests from other states (notably, Minnesota’s Northern Paladins), and everyone was jazzed to be there. This event’s charity was a local school in Chicago, and entrance fees were physical donations of school supplies for young students in need of assistance. Tons of scientific calculators, pens, pencils, markers, crayons, highlighters, and everything else you can think of were collected, and we are very thankful for the community support. Energy was high for the 7 rounds of Swiss+1 that the day’s event would call for.

After the main event and drinking German beer all day, we had a large dinner reservation at another local watering hole, the German bar Essen Haus. A couple dozen mages arrived to eat, drink, and be merry playing games of Middle School all night.

Pairings and Standings

Pairings and Final Standings
Round 1 Pairings, Round Ends 12:55
Round 2 Pairings, Round Ends 1:50
Round 3 Pairings, Round Ends 2:45
Round 4 Pairings, Round Ends 3:45
Round 5 Pairings, Round Ends 4:40
Round 6 Pairings, Round Ends 5:35
Round 7 Pairings, Round Ends 6:30

Final Standings

Metagame Breakdown

Here is a sortable table that shows all players and associated decks played (you can sort by name, deck type, or prize awarded).

[table id=27 /]

ALL Decklists, Alphabetically, by Last Name

Bob Agra – UWR AC (05 Place After Swiss Rounds)

Ian Blank – Turbo Arboria Fog (Most Creative 2nd Place)

Mike Butzen – Workshop Aggro Mono Blue

Curt Christian – Dreams Combo (08 Place After Swiss Rounds)

Danny Dunaway – Black Blue Mind Bomb Rack

Lorien Elleman – Mono Black (04 Place After Swiss Rounds)

Tyler Etters – GWR Erhnam Geddon

Brent Everest – The Deck

Joe Freshwater – Everquest Theme Deck (Most Creative 1st Place)

David Holler – Atog 5C

Jaco – Dreams Combo

Brian Jones – Mono Black

Greg Kotscharjan – UW Valley Control

Sam Krohlow – Dreams Combo

David Luety – 4C AC

Stephen Maldonado – 5C Fatties (06 Place After Swiss Rounds)

Ray Mattson – BWG Control

Andrew McLennan – UWR AC

Matt Moss – Atog URB (02 Place After Swiss Rounds)

Jason Paul – Goblins Mono Red (03 Place After Swiss Rounds)

Benjermin Perry – Eureka (Most Creative 7th Place)

Carter Petray – 5C Legends (Most Creative 8th Place)

Dan Piquard – GWR Zoo

Nick Rohr – GWR Preacher Burn

Michael Angelo Russo – Workshop Aggro Mono Blue (01 Place After Swiss Rounds; Most Creative 6th Place)

Matt S – Power Monolith Combo (07 Place After Swiss Rounds)

Justin Schrank – GW Spirit Force (Most Creative 4th Place)

Gregg Seaverson – Mono Black

Tiffany Seaverson – Red Green Land Destruction

Shane Semmens – 5C Erhnam Geddon

Jon Tschida – UW AC

Brandon Turner – Black Blue

David Velasco – BG Derelor LureZerker (Most Creative 5th Place)

Robert Vincent – CandleFlare Power Surge Combo (Most Creative 3rd Place)

Tournament Action and Wrapup

(thank you to Mossman for all of the great photos of the action throughout the day)

Madison Offensive 2019 Action

Minnesota Meets Wisconsin

Rohr (GWR Preacher Control) vs. Tshchida (UWR AC)

Petray (5C Legends) vs. Perry (Eureka)

Velasco (BG LureZerker) vs. Mattson (BGW Control)

Holler (5C Atog) vs. Etters (WRG Erhnam Geddon)

Butzen (Workshop Aggro Mono Blue) vs. Velasco (BG LureZerker)

Jaco (5C Dreams Combo) vs. Semmens (5C Erhnam Geddon)

Signed Prizes

Shane Represents the Lords Well at Essen Haus

Essen Haus Middle School Moss (Cocoa Pebbles) vs. Matt S (UBR Tog)

Essen Haus Middle School Velasco (5C Tribal Flames) vs. Etters (UG Madness)

Thank you to everybody who came out to play, and we hope to see you again soon. As we move forward experimenting with more changes we hope to make each event more unique and fun. For any corrections, comments, follow up, or to send us any action shots to add to this report, please email