The Lords of the Pit and Eternal Central are proud to present coverage of the second annual Madison Offensive, a charity Old School Magic 93-94 event held in Madison, Wisconsin (USA). The charity for this year’s event was Charles S. Brownell Elementary School, a local school in Chicago.
Last year Chicago’s Lords of the Pits held a private event in Madison dubbed the Madison Offensive, to loop more of the Wisconsin players in, and 24 people showed up to battle. This year, we decided early on to open up registration to anybody, and were expecting about 30 people in Illinois and Wisconsin to travel for a small get together drinking German beer. 58 people ended up pre-registering from across 8 states, and 55 showed up to battle on game day, blowing away our expectations. Many old and new faces showed up, many new friends were made, and a number of regional connections for future play groups were forged.
This event’s charity was a local school in Chicago, and entrance fees were physical donations of school supplies for young students in need of assistance. Tons of scientific calculators, pens, pencils, markers, crayons, highlighters, and everything else you can think of were collected, to the tune of about $800+ worth of supplies, and we are very thankful for the community support.
After the main event, we had a large reservation at another local watering hole, the German bar Essen Haus. 25 mages arrived to sling Old School 95, and drink and be merry. After most of the playing was done we had a separate prize pool of 95 giveaways, which were fought tooth and nail over in a series of Chaos Orb sudden death battles.
Pairings and Standings
6 rounds of Swiss were played, rather than recommended 7 for Swiss+1, due to facility time constraints.
Pairings and Final Standings
Round 1 Pairings
Round 2 Pairings
Round 3 Pairings
Round 4 Pairings
Round 5 Pairings
Round 6 Pairings
Final Standings
Metagame Breakdown
Here is a sortable table that shows all players and associated decks played (you can sort by name, deck type, or prize awarded).
[table id=11 /]
ALL Decklists, Alphabetically, by Last Name
Bob Agra – RUG Tempo
Mike Barris – GW Erhnam Geddon
Nate Becker – Grixis Aggro
Chris Bergeson – Erhnam and Robots (RG)
Brendon Bowersox – Black Blue
Nate Bullington – Grixis Aggro
Mike Butzen – Esper Abyss Aggro
Jason Chambers – 13EvilOrm’s-By-Gore.dec (Most Creative Deck 1st Place)
Curt Christian – Grixis Control
Dan Decker – White Weenie
Danny Dunaway – 69 card Mono Red Goblin Burn
Lorien Elleman – Pink Weenie
Trevor England – Mono White Control
Tyler Etters – GWR Ehrnam Geddon
Brent Everest – The Deck
Peter Franke – Mono Red Burn
Danny Friedman – Feldon’s Prison
Paul Fuller – URW Aggro Control
Tim Gavin – UG Berserk Aggro
Joel G’Garm – The Deck
Matt Hahn – RUG Atog
Jason Jaco – Naya Bazaar Zoo
Eric Jensen – Black Red
Sam Krohlow – Time Vault Combo
Andrea Longhi – Ehrnam and Burn Em (RG)
Ron Longhi – Mono Black
David Luety – Pink Weenie
Stephen Maldonado – Pink Weenie
Ray Mattson – Psychic Dreams (Most Creative Deck 3rd Place)
Andrew McLennan – UW Skies
Mith – BantamGeddon
John Molseed – Asmadi Flare
Matt Moss – Workshop Aggro Grixis
Nathan Mullen – Naya Bazaar Zoo
Justin Newman – RUG Tempo
Frank P – Esper Skies
Jason Paul – UR Control
Benjermin Perry – Eureka
Carter Petray – 5C Justice League Legends (Most Creative Deck 4th Place)
Dan Piquard – Mono Black
Justin Pitts – White Weenie
John Raysa – Black White
Dan Rech – Red White Skies
Nick Rohr – Erhnam and Burn Em (RG)
Gregg Seaverson – Trump’s Wall (Animate Wall Control) (Most Creative Deck 2nd Place)
Tiffany Seaverson – Pink Weenie
Shane Semmens – 4C Arabian Aggro
Jeff Simpson – 5C Fatties
Mike Solymossy – Mono Black
Tim Steele – GW Erhnam Geddon
Matt Thompson – 4C Aggro Control
James Tork – Junk (BWG)
Brandon Turner – Black Blue
Robert Vincent – Mono Red CandleFlare
Tournament Action and Wrapup
The Calm Before the Signing
Signed Prizes
Perry (Eureka) vs. Longhi (Mono Black)
Jaco (Naya Bazaar Zoo) vs. Mullen (Naya Bazaar Zoo)
Tork (Junk) vs. Mattson (Psychic Dreams)
Etters (Naya Geddon) vs. Fuller (URW Aggro Control)
Semmens (4C Arabian Aggro) vs. Hahn (RUG Atog)
Paul (UR Control) vs. Seaverson (Pink Weenie)
Jaco (Naya Bazaar Zoo) vs. Mith (BantamGeddon)
Mattson (Psychic Dreams) vs. Raysa (Black White)
Maldonado (Pink Weenie) vs. Longhi (Erhnam and Burn Em RG)
Essen Haus Old School 95 Prizes
Essen Haus Live Entertainment
Essen Haus 95 Afterparty
Essen Haus 95 Orb Flipping
Thanks to everyone who came out, and especially those who helped with logistics and running the tournament (Bob Agra and Shane Semmens). As we move forward experimenting with more changes we hope to make each event more unique and fun. For any corrections, comments, follow up, or to send us any action shots to add to this report, please email