Eternal Insight Podcast Episode 1: Reflections from Eternal Weekend, with Brian Kelly

Brian Kelly has been an ambassador for sportsmanship and friendliness in Vintage Magic for the past few years following his return to Magic: the Gathering. He is a great role model and excellent player who shows great respect and humility towards his peers. On August 24th, 2015 he made Magic history by becoming the Vintage World Champion, a title held by such prestigious players as Roland Chang, Stephen Menendian, and Owen Turtenwald. He was gracious enough to take the time to go over how a deck of his own design, dubbed by the community as “Brian Kelly Oath,” or as he as aptly named it “Dragonlord Salvagers Oath.” Brian was able to post an impressive 9-1 record in the Swiss rounds and then won in the Top 8 to become champion. We go on a trip through his history as a Magic player, and everyone who helped him along the way to this momentous achievement. or the next hundred or so minutes we take a glimpse into what has crafted the nicest and most sportsmanlike players I have ever met into a force to be reckoned with. A person who I have the great pleasure to be friends with, and I know has had a positive influence on everyone he has met. So, for the first installment of “Reflections from Eternal Weekend,” I have the great pleasure to present the Vintage World Champion, Brian Kelly.

Total runtime: 1:42:10