The Lords of the Pit recently hosted the third annual Relic War, which is a private tournament for charity held in Chicago that utilizes the Swedish Old School Banned and Restricted List. This year’s event was capped at 24 people, and held at DMen Tap on March 16.
This year’s Relic War raised over $350 for Arts of Life, a non-profit organization that works to assist artists with physical and intellectual disabilities. The scene was lively, and 6 rounds of Swiss+1 that the day’s event would call for would test the mettle of the rough and tumble Lords.
Pairings and Standings
Metagame Breakdown
Here is a sortable table that shows all players and associated decks played (you can sort by name, deck type, or prize awarded).
[table id=30 /]
ALL Decklists, Alphabetically, by Last Name
Bob Agra UWB Zoo
Chris Bergeson – ErhnamGeddon UWG
Ian Blank – Turbo Arboria Fog
Mike Butzen – Eureka Lich Combo (03 Place After Swiss Rounds)
Grant Castelton – RWG Zoo
Danny Dunaway – Artifact Aggro RW
Lorien Elleman – Pink Weenie (01 Place After Swiss Rounds)
Tyler Etters – 5C Midrange Control
Danny Friedman – The Deck (04 Place After Swiss Rounds)
Jason Jaco – Titania’s Prison 4C (06 Place After Swiss Rounds)
Greg Kotscharjan – UWR Diamond Valley Control
Andy MacDougall – RUG Zoo (08 Place After Swiss Rounds)
Stephen Maldonado – 5C Fatties (05 Place After Swiss Rounds)
Ray Mattson – Psychic Manipulator
Matt Moss – Atog URB
Jason Paul – Machine Gun URB (02 Place After Swiss Rounds)
Carter Petray – Stasis (07 Place After Swiss Rounds)
Dan Piquard – Rukh Disco
Nick Rohr – RWB Preacher
Justin Schrank – Gauntlet Red
Shane Semmens – 4C Artifact Aggro
Robert Vincent – Kobolds RB
Cam Wall – Machine Gun URB
Tournament Action and Wrapup
Relic War III Action
Bergeson (UWG) vs. Butzen (Eureka Lich Combo)
Blank (Turbo Arboria Fog) vs. Schrank (Gauntlet Red)
Castleton (Naya Zoo) vs. MacDougall (RUG Zoo)
Jaco (Titania’s Prison 4C) vs. Agra (UWB Aggro Control)
Castleton (Naya Zoo) vs. Mattson (Psychic Manipulator)
Vincent (Kobolds RB) vs. Blank (Turbo Arboria Fog)
Butzen (Eureka Lich Combo) vs. Mattson (Psychic Venom Control)
Jaco (Titania’s Prison 4C) vs. Wall (URB Atog)
Butzen (Eureka Lich Combo) vs. Vincent (Kobolds RB)
Signed Prizes
More Prizes
Thank you to everybody who came out to play, and we hope to see you again soon. As we move forward experimenting with more changes we hope to make each event more unique and fun. For any corrections, comments, follow up, or to send us any action shots to add to this report, please email